Guilt of a 2nd time Mum

Yes, I am pregnant.

It is happy news, but I am actually feeling more guilt than thrills. Guilt towards both H1 and the little one as adjustments had to be made with H1 (not to her favour) for the sake of the little one and the fact that I am not feeling much for the little one (yet).

As with all pregnancy, one shouldn’t carry heavy objects and this also meant carrying H1 less. She loves to be carried as much as I love to carry her. I was also tired easily and I could not bring her out on my own to the library, playground, etc. I had to stop breastfeeding H1 too, as advised by my gynae due to health reasons. NO MORE breast milk goodness for H1 and no more breastfeeding cum bonding sessions. <sob sob> I started weaning H1 when she was 14.5 months old, and at 16 months, she woke up one morning and said “no” to mummy’s milk. I was so upset… Mr K says I will have a 2nd chance with the next baby, but to me, it’s different! As for the little one, I had not done anything for it yet. When I was pregnant with H1, I stroked and talked to her often. I eat well and right (generally), e.g. no caffeinated drinks, no unhealthy snacks etc. Sometimes I feel as if the little one is an intruder… oh gosh… how can a mummy actually think that of her baby and would the baby feel the “resentment”? I certainly hope not.

Anyone out there having similar feelings like me? Don’t worry, you are not alone and I hope you find some comfort in this post that we are not freaks and it is normal (I think) to have such feelings. Well, while we are feeling guilty, we should still think positively on how to make the best of the situation and to plan ahead.

(a) Room arrangements – transit H1 gently, way before the little one arrives. We are still thinking about this.

(b) Sharing with H1 about the little one – I’m intending to use the Shichida 5-minutes method to share with H1 about the little one, that she will have a sister/brother to love and vice versa, and that our love for H1 will not be any lesser with the arrival of the baby.

(c) Plans for H1 during my delivery – a staycation @ 公公嬷嬷’s. Prior to that, we’ll need rehearsals. LOL.

(d) Pressies – Gift exchange between H1 and the little one

(e) Remind visitors that H1 still requires their attention

(f) Most importantly, always maintain one to one time with H1 even with the arrival of the little one.

I kept telling myself that having another baby is a right decision and it is for H1’s good as well. The truth is, I am not totally convinced. We will know when the little one arrives and I will share about it then.

We are featured!

I had wanted to write a post about our pre-wedding pictures simply cause they are so well taken! It is a waste not to be shared. So when we were once again featured (this time on POSB’s, I thought I should not procrastinate further. The picture featured on POSB’s was also featured on Poached Mag and I guess the durians captured their hearts.


We were also featured on Perfect Weddings eMagazine.

Perfect Weddings eMag

Flashback to 2011 when we took 3 days for the shoot, covering 19 locations/ scenes. It was no mean feat. Well, we’ve gotten ourselves a crazy but really talented and creative photographer, Rachel Lim. We were already exhausted after the 1st day, but her team’s dedication and enthusiasm stretched our limits. Words would not be able to describe the talents and efforts of Rachel and her team, so here are some of my favourite pictures.













lone tree



Human Nature Products Review

When H was born, we were using Johnson’s baby Head-To-Toe wash for the initial months. This was used and taught at the antenatal course we attended at Mount Alvernia. We stopped using when we chanced upon an article that states that Johnson’s baby wash contains harmful ingredients. Therefore, we went in search for a baby wash that is natural and affordable. There are many popular brands out there like California Baby, GAIA, etc, but they are expensive. I read widely, from EWG to bloggers’ review and was happy to stumble upon Human Nature.

I started using Human Nature’s Natural Baby Wash with Lavender, Rosemary and Chamomile in Jan 2014 on H. It has a powdery scent, somewhat like the soothing natural baby smell which I love. Do note that it does not foam much because it does not contain synthetic foaming agents. In addition, it is not that tough on our wallets. For a single income family like ours, being smart with how we use our money is important.

I have introduced Human Nature to other mummy friends and they have good reviews about it too. A friend of mine is now ‘addicted’ to Human Nature’s Balm for all Seasons, and I’m using it too. It smells refreshing! I am also currently using their mineral make-up range.

Well, I am pretty much a fan of their products. Give them a try if you are looking for products that are natural and affordable.

DIY tutorial – Black Kitten costume for Halloween

A simple and adorable Halloween costume for my little one. Here is my kitten!

black kitten

Pardon the wet hair look and inappropriate props (i.e. the balls when she was supposed to be holding a small pumpkin basket). We took it right after shower and she was still holding on to her shower toys. There is also a fluffy tail at the back. Unfortunately I cannot find a picture of it (note to self: I have to take better pictures next time). I planned to draw a nose and whiskers as well… however, H was too cranky that night.

Here is how I did it using just black tulle and black satin ribbon.

step 1

Cut tulle into strips of 100cm by 8cm (I used ~40 strips).


Fold the strip of tulle into half.


Take the ends and put it through the loop.


Tighten. Satin ribbon is in the middle.


Leave enough satin ribbon at the side to secure the costume onto your little one. The ribbon would make a pretty bow at the back.

Complete the look with store-bought cat ears 20141116_140437and a black fluffy tail tied to the back and center of the costume.20141116_135156It is that simple. I had fun making it and I hope you have fun too. Happy Halloween!